Hornbill Castle

Hornbill Castle New

Hornbill Castle is one of the first B&B approved cottages in Valparai. Our Cottage is known for its quality service and guidance. We help you discover the best experience Valparai can give you.and our hospitality and services can actually make you feel extremely relaxed and safe in our cottage. Get the best of Valparai Book now..

About Valparai

Placed in the high-altitudes of the Western Ghats, Valparai is the perfect gateway to the surrounded by shola forests. Of all the fields in India, perhaps the youngest, having been surveyed and planted only after the 1864. RJ Lowry and his famous coffee company were the first to appear in the eastern slopes of the region. The British conservators and consequently the Indian counterparts were judicious enough to live the exquisite tropical forest untouched. But for the coffee, tea and other plantations in its foothills, much of the forest is untouched and unseen.